Twenty-Five Seasons: Join the Ensemble of Support.
Join us as we continue our commitment to enriching the arts in Stratford. Help us reach our goal of 100 monthly supporters, each contributing just $25 per month. Your ongoing donation will be a lasting note in our ensemble, empowering us to create extraordinary music and foster cultural impact for years to come. Together, let’s ensure the music continues to inspire and uplift our community.
Stratford Summer Music as Stratford Arts Foundation | A Registered Canadian Charity | 87819-7417 RR0001
Donor Levels & Recognition: Ensemble of Stratford Summer Music
$10 per month - Founding Note
Personalized thank-you email from the Executive Director
Recognition on the Stratford Summer Music website and annual program
$25 per month - Melody Supporter
All previous benefits
Invitation to a virtual “Meet the Artist” session, where donors can interact with festival performers
$50 per month - Harmonic Circle
All previous benefits
Invitation to a special sneak peek event, where donors can meet the festival’s artistic team and performers
$100+ per month - Maestro’s Circle
All previous benefits
Exclusive access to a private reception with festival organizers and performers, celebrating 25 years of music
A signed, limited-edition season poster signed by an artist
Make a One-Time Donation Through Canada Helps
Thanks to your dedication and enthusiasm, Stratford Summer Music will continue to connect our communities and bring music to Stratford. Your generosity is the driving force behind our success, making your financial support more impactful than ever.
Stratford Summer Music as Stratford Arts Foundation | A Registered Canadian Charity | 87819-7417 RR0001
Learn More
Financial donations of any size—whether one-time, monthly, or annually—are vital to us and can be processed through Canada Helps. All contributions are acknowledged online and in print, with receipts provided in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency guidelines. We also welcome donations of stocks, securities, and planned future gifts.
Donations can be made in the following ways:
Make a donation through CanadaHelps
Call our office at 519-271-2101 ext. 3
Mail a cheque to Stratford Summer Music Box 1013, Stratford, Ontario N5A 6W4
Send an e-transfer to our Executive Director, Crystal L. Spicer at
Donate securities and mutual funds through CanadaHelps
To learn more about supporting Stratford Summer Music, please contact:
Crystal L. Spicer | Executive Director | 519-271-2101